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Event :: December OMG Meeting

Heartland ASHI

December OMG Meeting


- Your Lawsuit - Part 2 by Mike Conley, ACI
- Grounding and Bonding by Mike Twitty, ACI


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Mike's Monthly Minute:
Your Lawsuit - Part 2

Mike is back again to followup on the conversation he started last month. Liability aspects are important to keep in mind but should not become the primary motivator for reporting decisions.

Grounding and Bonding by Mike Twitty

OMG Speaker

Mike Twitty has recently retired from a 17-year home inspection and compliance inspection career. He is a licensed electrician, and is certified by the ICC and IAEI as a residential building inspector and residential electrical inspector. Prior to becoming a home inspector, he retired from a 30-year career with Ford Motor Company where he worked as an industrial electrician. Mike currently provides continuing education training for home inspectors across the country on electrical subjects and has authored many technical articles for national publications.

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Start Date And Time

12/07/2022 07:00 pm

End Date And Time

12/07/2022 08:30 pm




First Wednesday

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